Components the of security system:
akera® security GmbH


Our Services
akera® takes over the panning and fitting - both for new and existing istallation. Our staff are specialists in sensor and video technology, informations and e-technology. They develop a security system to fit each plant.
Individual planning
Physical security
Sensor systems
Digital video systems
The certified security equipment includes alarm components (e.g. fence sensors, microwave, PSV) and imaging elements (e.g. fixed/dome cameras) for gathering of evidence. Unauthorised entry or crossing the boundary line triggers either a silent or noisy alarm. At the same time, swivel-mounted, high-resolution cameras are activated, which can zoom in to within a few metres of the location of the incident. These images can then be transmitted to a message centre and evaluated, and forwarded on in the event of a genuine alarm. The data transmission takes place via the Internet, or optionally by satellite.
Makes financial sense
An akera® security system sosts little to run. And it can reduce your insurance premiums. Naturally, all the security components used by akera® are certified for use in Europe.